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CodeDay Labs is looking for mentors to help students get an internship-style experience this summer working on real-world software projects. The aspiring software engineers are talented, but aren't recruited because they attend small local schools instead of the big-names.

Make a difference in someone's career by giving them a jump start this summer. Mentoring requires a few hours a week in from July 3 - August 18. Apply @ https://labs.codeday.org/mentor
CodeDay Labs is a program which provides an internship-style experience working on real-world software projects. They're looking for tech industry mentors (SWEs or product managers).

Last year 300 students built real-world projects with guidance from 100 mentors. 80% were from groups usually underrepresented in the CS industry. It's a few hours a week on your own schedule from July 3 - August 18.

Make a difference in someone's career by giving them a jump start this summer. Apply @ https://labs.codeday.org/mentor
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Mentor students as they build real-world software projects! (July 3 - August 18)

CodeDay Labs is a non-profit program where mentors help CS students build a real-world software product. It provides a similar experience to a summer internship to students who weren't able to find one.

Last year 300 students contributed to real-world software projects with guidance from 100 mentors. 80% were from groups usually underrepresented in the tech industry.

CodeDay Labs needs mentors! (SWE or product managers) You can help these students gain valuable real-world work experience. The time commitment is only around 5 hours a week over the summer, and flexible with your schedule.

Make a difference in someone's career by giving them a jump start this summer. Apply by 6/12 at https://labs.codeday.org/mentor